Creative Magic writing workshops at Brixham Library
Are you a song writer, blogger, poet, author or someone who jots down ideas and wants to expand on them?
Find out what you are capable of when you put pen to paper.
‘Creative Magic is a series of fun, imaginative and daring writing sessions, led by Bethan Rees (from Let’s Do Words), that aims to enhance your confidence, resilience and ability with words. You will find ways to express yourself and to share with others, with a range of strategies to help you develop as a writer.
You will be in a safe place to explore feelings, emotions, memories, experiences, imaginative ideas, the environment, and just about anything you wish, without the pressure of spelling, grammar or inspiration. The emphasis will be highly practical, with exercises and activities designed to ignite your creative impulse and push your own boundaries to seek a strong and unique writing voice.
The sessions are suitable for all abilities and ages from 14 years.
Find your inner poet, author, blogger, detective, explorer...’
Come along to Brixham Library on Saturday mornings to the great new Creative Writing course and join us. There;'s even free tea and biscuits to keep those writing muscles flexed!
£8 a session or £70 for 10 sessions (booking fees apply) You can book online at www.wegottickets/event/572220 or with cash or bank direct at the session.
Creative Magic is hosted by PPT Arts & Events CIC, in partnership with Libraries Unlimited.